Nernst Potential

The Nernst Potential is a fundamental concept for the understanding of the electrical properties of biological membranes. It stands for the potential difference caused by different ionic concentrations inside and outside a membrane. Some neuronal models use the Nernst Potential to model the dynamics equilibrium of the flow of several species of ions through the membrane [1].

In the case of a single species of charge $q$, the potential difference across the membrane $\Delta V$ at temperature $T$ and particle densities $n_1$ and $n_2$ respectively inside and outside the cell is given by:

\[\Delta V = k_B\frac{T}{q}\log\left(\frac{n_1}{n_2}\right)\]

Our goal is to reach this expression starting from first principles of statistical mechanics.

Model Assumptions

Our model will assume that the membrane separate a system of $N$ particles of charge $q$ that are kept under constant temperature $T$ in a heat bath. The exact shape of this boundary is assumed to be unimportant. The number of particles is kept constant.

Membrane Model
The model assumes that the membrane separates the system into two regions $\Omega$ and $\Sigma$ with different concentration of particles.

The Classical Hamiltonian for a single particle $j$ inside the membrane is given by $H_j$:

\[H_j = \frac{p_j^2}{2m} + q\sum_{i\neq j}^{N}V_{ji}(\left|\vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i\right|)\]

Where $p_j$ is the momentum of the particle, $m$ is its mass and $V_{ji}$ is the potential energy of the particle at position $x_j$ caused by all other $N-1$ particles around it. Our next approximation will be to assume that our system have an enormous amount of particles $N»1$, and that the temperature is high enough so that their motion is akin to a fluid. This will allow us to use the Continuum Approximation, setting potential energy of a particle $j$ at position $\vec{x}_j$ by the average potential energy of all particles around it:

\[\sum_{i \neq j}^{N}V_{ji}(\left|\vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i\right|) \approx V(\vec{x}_j)\]

This will heavily simplify our calculations as we will now be able to treat this system as a gas of non-interacting particles, even though they do interact by an electric field! The Hamiltonian for a single particle $j$ is now given by:

\[H_j = \frac{p_j^2}{2m} + qV(\vec{x}_j)\]

Probability and Partition Function

The assumptions allow us to model the problem by treating its possible microstates being drawn from a canonical ensemble. The probability distribution in this case is given by the Boltzmann distribution:

\[P(\vec{x}, \vec{p}) = \frac{1}{Z}e^{-\beta H(\vec{x}, \vec{p})}\]

Where $\beta = \frac{1}{k_BT}$ and $Z$ is the partition function:

\[Z = \sum_{\left\{\vec{x}, \vec{p}\right\}}e^{-\beta H(\vec{x}, \vec{p})}\]

In this notation, the vectors $\vec{x}$ and $\vec{p}$ represent the collection of all $N$ positions and momenta of the system, that is:

\[\vec{x} := \left(\vec{x}_1,...,\vec{x}_N\right)\] \[\vec{p} := \left(\vec{p}_1,...,\vec{p}_N\right)\]

The total Hamiltonian is just the sum of all individual Hamiltonians:

\[H(\vec{x}, \vec{p}) = \sum_{j=1}^{N}H_j(\vec{x}_j, \vec{p}_j) = \sum_{j=1}^{N}\frac{p_j^2}{2m} + q\sum_{j=1}^{N}V(\vec{x}_j)\]

Plugging this into the expression for probability allows us to expand the sum into a product of exponentials:

\[P(\vec{x}, \vec{p}) = \frac{1}{Z}\prod_{j=1}^{N}e^{-\beta\frac{p_j^2}{2m}}e^{-\beta qV(\vec{x}_j)}\]

Since we’re assuming to deal with non-interacting particles and looking at only the averaging behavior of the system, we can express the total probability as “copies” of the probability of a single particle, meaning that

\[P(\vec{x}, \vec{p}) = P_1(\vec{x}_1, \vec{p}_1)^N\]

Where $P_1$ is the probability of a single particle (chosen with $j=1$ for convenience):

\[P_1(\vec{x}_1, \vec{p}_1) := \frac{1}{Z_1}e^{-\beta\frac{p_1^2}{2m}}e^{-\beta qV(\vec{x}_1)}\] \[Z_1 = \sum_{\left\{\vec{x_1}, \vec{p_1}\right\}}e^{-\beta\frac{p_1^2}{2m}}e^{-\beta qV(\vec{x}_1)}\]


Defining by $n(\vec{x}’)$ the expected particle density at a position $\vec{x}’$ (a position vector with 3 components), we can compute this quantity in the following manner:

\[n(\vec{x}') = \left\langle\sum_{j=1}^{N}\delta(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}')\right\rangle\]

The expected value of the dirac sum is calculated with the probability distribution of the system:

\[n(\vec{x}') = \left\langle\sum_{j=1}^{N}\delta(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}')\right\rangle = \sum_{\left\{\vec{x},\vec{p}\right\}}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\delta(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}')P(\vec{x}, \vec{p})\]

The delta function can now be computed by expanding the sum over $\left\{\vec{x},\vec{p}\right\}$ as an integral. To be pedantic, this would yield a $\frac{1}{\Delta \vec{x} \Delta \vec{p}}$ factor related to the uncertainty of the measure, which is replaced by Planck’s constant as $\frac{1}{h}$; but since this would also show up on the integral of the partition function, they would cancel out. The expression then becomes:

\[= \int\prod_{j=1}^{N}\mathrm{d}\vec{x}_j\mathrm{d}\vec{p}_j\sum_{k=1}^{N}\delta(\vec{x}_k-\vec{x}')P_j(\vec{x}_j, \vec{p}_j)\] \[= \sum_{k=1}^{N}\int\prod_{j=1}^{N}\mathrm{d}\vec{x}_j\mathrm{d}\vec{p}_j\delta(\vec{x}_k-\vec{x}')P_j(\vec{x}_j, \vec{p}_j)\]

By identifying $\int\mathrm{d}\vec{p}_j P_j(\vec{x_j},\vec{p_j})$ as just the probability $P_j(\vec{x_j})$, we can further simplify this as

\[= \sum_{k=1}^{N}\int\prod_{j = 1}^{N}\mathrm{d}\vec{x}_j\delta(\vec{x}_k-\vec{x}')P_j(\vec{x}_j)\]

Since the delta function acts only on $\vec{x}_k$, we can integrate over it and get

\[= \sum_{k=1}^{N}\int\prod_{j\neq k}^{N}\mathrm{d}\vec{x}_j P_k(\vec{x}')P_j(\vec{x}_j)\]

The remaining terms over the variables $\vec{x_j}$ with $j \neq k$ are just individual probabilities for each particle, whose sum must be unity. Thus, we get

\[n(\vec{x}') = \sum_{k=1}^{N} P_k(\vec{x}')\]

Just as before, we can replace the $N$ probabilities $P_j$ by $N$ copies of a single one $P_1$. From our previous definition, that is a factor proportional to $e^{-\beta q V(\vec{x}_1)}$ only since the momentum part is cancelled out by an identical term in the partition function $Z_1$. Then:

\[n(\vec{x}') = N\frac{e^{-\beta q V(\vec{x}')}}{\int\mathrm{d}\vec{x_1}e^{-\beta q V(\vec{x}'_1)}}\] \[= N\alpha e^{-\beta q V(\vec{x}')}\]

Where the integral in the denominator got replaced by $\alpha$ for being just a scalar. If the system in question had a boundary dividing it into two regions with concentrations $n_1$ and $n_2$, we could then write the ratio between the two as:

\[\frac{n_1}{n_2} = e^{-\beta q (V_1 - V_2)}\]

Calling the difference in potential of the two regions $\Delta V$ and solving for it, we get:

\[\Delta V = \frac{1}{\beta q}\ln\left(\frac{n_1}{n_2}\right)\]

Which is the Nernst Potential with $\beta = \frac{1}{k_B T}$.

  1. [1]W. M. K. Wulfram Gerstner, Spiking neuron models: single neurons, populations, plasticity, 1st ed. Cambridge University Press, 2002.